The events at our nations' capital yesterday bring great sorrow as this unprecedented event has been broadcasted throughout the world, demonstrating a great divide in our country, a country admired for Unity, Democracy, and Law and Order. We have witnessed United States citizens who have had their rights and freedom secured by their ancestors' blood. Rather than live in peace and demonstrate peacefully, they have chosen to desecrate the foundations of the law that works on their behalf.
While Senators in the house chamber sought to voice grievances of the people, we witnessed some of our fellow citizens attempt to short circuit the order that God had bestowed on our nation. Anger without restraint echoes throughout our nation on social media. Those who seek peace are criticized from both extremes, where everything is either a power struggle or a conspiracy.
This year we have witnessed appalling events of rioting throughout our nation that brought violence to our neighborhoods, yet, some have called it "peaceful protest." And now, the breach of our capital is far from our nation's best moments. Both extremes have demonstrated uncontrollable response and violent or unreasonable damage and provoking of fear, even death. Fellow citizens, if one is wrong, so is the other.
When demonstrators have promoted violence, fear, and damage, they are all wrong, and the excuse: "they did it and got away with it, so should we"... is nothing but childish thinking.
For those of us who work in warring countries for the sake of holding out the light of Christ, we can attest that our democracy in the United States is an alternative to war to settle our disputes. In contrast, most world citizens yearn to taste of such order that secures peace and freedom to move about and pursue the whole of life.
Regardless of what nation we may have been born within, those of us that believe in Christ Jesus need to pray fervently for help to escape the spirit of anger, division, bitterness, and retribution that prevails in our societies today. The anger, attacks, and lack of civil and Biblical discourse in the real-life situation need to end both in public and private life from where chaos springs.
As a minister of the Good News of Jesus Christ, I speak to other disciples and ask for consideration of God's guidance and will. There are still essential thoughts to at least ponder for those without a decision or commitment to Jesus. Let's not be a nation divided by answering anger with more anger, resentment, and division.
Those who genuinely have faith in Jesus Christ search God's Word for better answers and pray fervently and continuously. Take confidence not in man's abilities but rather in God's power as He divinely inspired our nation's formation to be open and equitable for His Glory. In closing, let us remember that the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. Therefore, let us act as the citizens of the Kingdom of God that we are and take action in the most meaningful of all ways: May we humble ourselves and pray as we are instructed in 2 Chronicles 7:14 that our effort will yield results, "If my people who are called by My name, will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and will heal their land."
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