"We began to partner with Mercy Partners in 2010 thinking that it was a good way to add to the kingdom of God. We had not realized what impact would be made. We receive an update on how our donation is making an impact every time we contribute. I understand why the mission is called what it is. They really have great insight into how to make the most impact and allow others such as myself impact. I am grateful that my partnership will be my legacy.”
— Partner since 2010.
Dear partners and friends,
Every 500 years or so since Jesus was born, the Church has undergone massive transitions as world dynamics change. If the pattern is consistent, we may be living in one of those transition seasons. It certainly feels like the winds of cultural and spiritual change are blowing at hurricane force worldwide. When MERCY PARTNERS was founded in 2010 by my father, Tom Kilian, who traveled alone into Sudan while tribalism was high, genocide in Darfur was at full-scale, Al-Shabaab was on the rise, and South Sudan didn’t exist as a sovereign nation. While the population was largely Animist in belief and practice, the few that claimed the name of Christian erected denominational walls resulting in more conflict.
Since then, spiritual formation and unity based only upon the Bible have become a large part of our work. Today, denominations are less entrenched, and most marginalized tribes seek unity during the current civil war. While times have changed, spiritual hunger among the souls of North and East Africa is as great as ever. A common thread among these folks is a four-fold desire for a deeper connection with their Creator, for lasting transformation, for authentic community, and for truth, something which is denied to them in the midst of political turmoil.
We believe MERCY PARTNERS is in a unique position to help disciples and future disciples of all tribes in conflict zones. Christ alone provides access to this solid way of life. Our vision is one that we share with the native Christians: We need to build up the Church without walls and raise a banner of praise before God (Isaiah 18).
Although humanitarian in thrust, Tom Kilian refers to MERCY PARTNERS as a church organization. That is, we exist within the church and for the glory of Christ’s church—we are an extension of you.
Unlike other humanitarian organizations, we believe deeply in the local churches’ ability to serve as a bridge between those with resources and those without. As a charity—in which Christ Himself is central—MERCY PARTNERS intentionally makes room for disciples and local churches to come and partner with one another for the equality of God’s grace to be evident. We seek to be both an aid organization and discipleship organization, existing to be a refuge to the most vulnerable. In short, we empower and equip native evangelists in conflict zones.
As we begin transitioning into 2022, I am pleased to say that by God’s grace, regardless of a tough season, MERCY PARTNERS is as healthy as ever. Relationships are strong, foundational funds are stable, and the mission is clear: Empower and equip Christ’s church with the readiness given by the gospel of peace.
Our work together carries on...
Bridge Campus for Global Impact, East Africa, continues strong, a wonderful international community of Global Partners is being formed around the globe, our presence is growing through projects serving thousands of refugees in West Nile, online discipleship along with the distribution of tracts increases, state-side ministry has grown through the establishment of Bridge Campus, U.S.A, plans are underway to train missionaries in our Bridge methodology.
To help move these projects forward and so we can hit the ground running in the new year, we have a goal to raise $17,000.
Lately, I’ve stressed to folks, “Unless the Holy Spirit leads you in passion for this work, please don’t give.” Blunt, but nevertheless, genuine. We only want folks to give as God leads—those who are able and are earnest in their partnership.
Would you pray about helping in the Great Commission work God assigned to MERCY PARTNERS?
We understand and accept fully that our Lord hasn’t called all of us to give and serve in the same way, neither will you be passionate about our cause as much as I am. Even so, we acknowledge that God’s mission for us is the same: keeping oneself from being polluted by the world, and loving our neighbors, taking care of widows and orphans, especially those in the household of faith (James 1:27; Galatians 6:10).
❤️ Did this article stir your heart?
Let us know by writing: mail@mercy-partners.org.
Visit "How To Help" to learn more about the practical, small things that are making a big impact. Please contact us if you would like to host a workshop.
Ready to join in the work today? Visit: www.donorbox.org/mpdonate for the latest project that you can partner with.

Thomas Kilian III, as Director of Communication, has personal relationships with our Global Partners having traveled to most of our mission points. He is degreed with a Bachelors of Science in the school professional studies, with high honor, majoring in biblical studies, general ministries, and biblical exposition. He's an ordained Evangelist and is the author of the forthcoming book Start being, Stop Doing (www.startbeing.today).